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Service Department

Service Department

When you're invested in making sure your motorcycle stays in great working order for years to come, you need knowledge and skill you can count on. At Premium Dealer Harley-Davidson®, we'll service and repair your bike to perfect working order. Our highly-trained technicians are dedicated to providing the best service possible so you can get the most out of your purchase. Even if it's routine maintenance, we've got you covered. Here at Premium Dealer Harley-Davidson®, we're motorcycle enthusiasts, and we know that getting out on the road and into the outdoors is your priority.

We have the equipment and experience to keep your bike in prime shape, whether you're riding for pleasure, racing around the track, or tearing it up on the trail. Give us a call and we'll get you in and out of the shop in an efficient and timely manner.

Looking for parts to customize your Harley?


We can help you keep your Harley-Davidson® vehicle in pristine condition! If you have any questions or concerns about your bike, feel free to call and we'll be happy to help you over the phone or assist you in making an appointment. Come talk to us about how to best maintain your investment and learn more about our available services!

We're your premier destination for Harley® service, repair, and maintenance. Call, visit, or contact us today. We're here to help.


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